The year six team are: Mr P Jones, Miss L Nichols, Mr C Hunter, Mrs Heap and Miss Sherry.
We are using Seesaw as our online learning platform and as a means to communicate with parents. If you have not yet managed to log onto Seesaw, please email for support.
If your child is self-isolating but is well enough to work, all lessons are uploaded to Seesaw each morning at 8am and are archived at 3.15pm (as there is an expectation that your child completes the work during school hours). All work can then be posted onto Seesaw for the Y6 team to mark. You can see the lessons set and your own child's work via the portal.
As well as daily lessons for children who are not in school, homework will also be uploaded to Seesaw each week. There are four main tasks to be completed each week and should be uploaded individually by your child for the Y6 team to check:
Reading Plus
TT Rockstars
Learning weekly spellings
Recording themselves read
If your child misplaces any of their passwords, or has any issues with completing the work, please message us directly on Seesaw and we will send them to you.
Please read the SATs Guide below - it will help you understand the types of assessments that your child will be sitting during SATs week and the content that might be covered.
Please watch the video below. It will help you understand the types of assessments that your child will be sitting during SATs week (week commencing 11/05/20), and the content that might be covered.
Your child will receive their electronic homework via Seesaw on a Wednesday and must complete it by the following Wednesday: the work must be logged on Seesaw with either a picture of the work or with a comment from the child. Parents can see what work has been set using their parental Seesaw login and should check to make sure their child is completing their homework. Please support your with anything they are unsure of; feel free to message the Y6 team with any questions about homework via Seesaw.
Home Links
Good Websites / Apps
English (including Grammar)
Attached below are the Alan Peat sentences we practise composing in class on a regular basis to improve writing standards. We would really appreciate it if you helped your children compose these types of sentences at home.
Below is an excellent document that includes lots of example questions from previous maths SATS (broken down into the different areas of maths and past SATs papers). Each question also includes a link to a YouTube clip that explains how to complete it (step-by-step). You should help your child complete these types of questions, as they will be similar to those they will be completing in their actual assessment in May.
In order to support the children in year six to become confident language users and to assist with their organisation in school, we have introduced some simple but effective strategies in the classroom.
In year six, we have introduced a visual timetable to help organise our week. We have set it up as a weekly timetable to prepare us for secondary school. The children love checking the timetable so that they are ready each day for the lessons that await them.
Here is the timetable:
To support our spelling work, we have a Word Wise Whizz board. This has our weekly spellings and sentences (that include words from our weekly spellings) on it.
We have a weekly test on our spellings before adding our new focus words to the board.
Here is our Word Wise Whizz board:
In year six, we have started to use something that the children can use in order to give them a good starting point when greeted with unknown vocabulary (CASE). Read the document below to help you understand the techniques that your child is using to try and help them understand unknown vocabulary.
In whole-class reading, we are reading lots of texts about numerous subjects: concentrating specifically on vocabulary and inference.
Your child needs to learn and know all these spellings before the SATs examinations which start on Monday 11th May 2020.
You might find the following link helpful:
As well as the spellings above, your children need to learn certain spelling patterns. See pages 59-63, 66-70 of the English National Curriculum document
As well as the Year 3/4, 5/6 spellings above, your child is expected to learn certain spelling rules/patterns, and be able to accurately spell words that contain them. Every week, the children are given twenty spellings to learn, based on the patterns they have learned during the week. They are tested on the spellings every Monday.
Times tables
The two to twelve times tables should be known, by heart before the end of year four.
The following links will help your child learn their times tables:
If you want any practice worksheets to help your child with their times tables, please use the links below. You can easily print the resources.
2 x table worksheets -
3 x table worksheets -
4 x table worksheets -
5 x table worksheets -
6 x table worksheets -
7 x table worksheets -
8 x table worksheets -
9 x table worksheets -
10 x table worksheets -
11 x table worksheets -
12 x table worksheets -